Enduring Mercy Farm
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1

Enduring Mercy Farm
Mount Sterling, Kentucky
We are a small family farm blessed by a loving herd of puppies with hooves, aka Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and their fine feathered friends. Our goats are ADGA and AGS registered and bred for temperament, dairy quality and confirmation. We began participating in ADGA shows in 2022 and plan to add milk testing in 2023.
What will you find at Enduring Mercy Farm?
At Enduring Mercy you will find an assortment of much loved and very spoiled critters!

Please see our Available Goats and Planned Breeding pages to see who is looking for new pastures.

In addition to our beloved Nigerian Dwarfs, we have a large flock of chickens. Our flock includes Silkies, English Orpingtons, Black Australorp, Heritage Barred Rock, French Marans, Ameraucana and more. We offer fresh eggs, hatching eggs, straight run chicks and occasionally laying hens and cockerels. Special orders are accepted.
More information about our flock is available on the
Our Chickens page.
Please contact us for availability.