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Enduring Mercy Farm
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1
Current Availability:

Blue/Black/Splash, White, Buff and Partridge Straight Run Silkie chicks hatched in April. They are $4.50 each.
Silkie hatching eggs are also available in limited quantities.
More coming soon!

Adult/Juvenile Chickens Currently Available:
Silkie Cockerels from a May/June 2022 hatch.
These boys would make great pets!

We are currently accepting preorders for fertile hatching eggs and straight run chicks.

Options Available for Spring 2023
English Orpingtons - assorted colors blue, black, splash, chocolate and silver laced possible.
Lavender American Orpingtons
French Marans - a mix of Cuckoo, Midnight Majesty, Copper and Wheaten Marans
Silkie - blue, black, splash, white and buff
Assorted green/olive eggers
Assorted brown eggers
*Please note, availability is limited on all options.
Hatch rate is not guaranteed as we have no control over handling
during shipping and incubation techniques.

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